hug your life

Hug Your Life

Happy New Year!

I woke up with the thought, “Hug your life!”

Be grateful for your life. For all the people you love and who love you. Your family, your friends. The people who cut your hair, watch over your teeth, maintain your car, and do countless other things for you. For the roof over your head, the food you have, the things you enjoy.

Hug someone you love. Call someone you love. Smile at someone even if you don’t know them.

Enjoy the rose parade. Be relaxed and allow yourself to be lazy for once.

Drink your warm coffee. Enjoy the milk foam on top.

Do something you’ve wanted to do but didn’t find time to do. Maybe it’s a good book. Perhaps it’s a woodworking project or something to make your home even nicer. Yet, don’t sweat it. Do what you feel like doing. Or do absolutely nothing.

Love your life! And thank YOU for being in my life!

I’m Curious

What will you do today?


  1. Tyler on at

    Love it! I woke up this morning so grateful for my life – what a perfect way to express it!
    Hugs to you as well.

    • Stephie Althouse on at

      Thank you so much, Tyler!!! Love and hugs back to you! Happy New Year!!!

  2. Great advice! It really changes your perspective in a positive direction.

    • Stephie Althouse on at

      Thank you, Robert! You are awesome!

  3. Laura H Schultes on at

    I will add this mantra to my journaling this week!

    • Stephie Althouse on at

      Excellent, Laura!

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