You are loved

Everyone Needs A Person Like “Jochen”

There are some memories that are kind of strange in the sense that there are some parts that you remember quite clearly and other parts that you don’t remember at all like a person called Jochen.


There are some memories that are kind of strange in the sense that there are some parts that you remember quite clearly and other parts that you don’t remember at all. For me, Jochen is that way. 

Jochen was a person whom I met as a teenager; a younger teenager, I believe. We went kayaking on some rivers and creeks in Germany. What I can tell you about Jochen was that he was very calm, very accepting – and just very kind. I remember a few things about interacting with him. What I remember about him the most is how he made me feel. He made me feel completely and utterly accepted, which when you are a teenager (or anyone else, for that matter) doesn’t always happen. 

I remember one time we were coming back from a trip. We were unloading our boats. For some reason, I had a ring with a bunch of keys in one of the back pockets of my pants. For some other reason, I jumped onto the front hood of his car to just sit there while we were talking with some people. Well, my keys left a dent in his hood. I was terrified. I thought, oh my God, this is going to be really bad. He’s going to contact my parents. It’s going to cost a lot of money. I’m going to get yelled at … But Jochen just said, “Yeah, it’s just a little dent.” I was stunned – and relieved! 

Another time, it was my birthday. He promised to give me a Swiss army knife. I loved Swiss army knives (I still do). At the time, they cost a lot of money for the kind of money I had. He actually never gave me that knife. He forgot, but it’s okay. I never dared to ask him about it or remind him, “Hey, Jochen, you promised to give me that knife….”

I think everybody needs a person like Jochen, who just accepts and loves you for who you are. Thinking of him just makes me almost teary-eyed. He died way too young, which is sad, but Jochen, I do remember you. Thank you!

I’m Curious

Who is your “Jochen”? If you don’t have one, I recommend you join a Club that does something that interests you. A hobby, serving others (for example, I love our Rotary Club!), Toastmasters – there are so many options! Big hugs to you!