Beware Make Sure To Climb YOUR Mountain Top

Beware: Make Sure To Climb YOUR Mountain Top

As we pursue different goals, sometimes it’s good to stop and reexamine them. It has to be YOUR mountain top you’re climbing. Climbing mountain top it’s not necessarily easy. Make sure to pick the right one.


As we pursue different goals, sometimes it’s good to stop and think about in more depth. It has to be YOUR mountain top you’re climbing. Climbing mountain top it’s not necessarily easy. Make sure it’s the right one. 

The way I got to this nugget was actually like this: I thought about “failing” your way to the top. For example, I’m practicing right now and preparing myself for a TEDx talk, and I was practicing it in front of my Toastmasters group. I gave an abbreviated version of it because of time constraints. The feedback is so valuable! It went very well – and yet, there are always ways others see to make it better. Awesome!

I thought to myself, “I’m failing my way to the top.” (That is a great method, by the way. Practice every chance you get – you will get (even) better!)

Then I realized it’s my top. It’s my choice to want to pursue giving a TEDx talk. As you climb your mountain top, make sure it’s your mountain top, not someone else’s.

Some mountain tops are prescribed by society. Let’s say when you’re in high school. There’s a high school GPA. That’s the mountain top that society highly suggests to you because it influences what other opportunities you have after that.

There are other mountain tops, many of them are your choice. Do you choose to be part of the Olympics? Do you choose to want to give a TEDx talk? Do you choose to …. (you insert what comes after that)? 

I’m Curious

What is your mountain top, and why do you choose the climb it?