Do You Need Youtube To Share Your Brilliance?
Do you need YouTube to share your brilliance? It turns out, YouTube can be an excellent vehicle for Brilliance Mining™!
Hi, Dr. Stephie here. Today’s nugget is about this question: Do you need YouTube to share your brilliance?
Of course, there are many ways to share your brilliance, but YouTube is pretty good. Now imagine that if you recorded little videos on a reasonably frequent basis about whatever is important to you, whatever your brilliance area might be, then over time, you would build a portfolio of information about this area. You start to extract brilliance from your brain and make it available to others.
If you’re a bit self-conscious about it, you could start making it into a private channel and share it with friends and family. Then as you’re ready, you can make it available to other people. When you make it available to other people over time,
- You will stand out as a thought leader in that particular niche that you have selected.
- You build a history, a legacy.
- You increase the impact with what you know.
- You get to increase your earnings or other rewards that you can get from it, of course.
- You build a personal brand.
There are many reasons why using YouTube, the second-largest search engine in the world is an excellent vehicle. That’s really what it is. You can use YouTube as a vehicle for Brilliance Mining; mining brilliance from your brain and putting it forth to others.
How You Can Help Me: Please Subscribe To My YouTube Channel
I would love to ask you to please subscribe to my YouTube channel. We have uploaded quite a few videos from the brilliance nuggets there, and more are coming.
I appreciate you! Thank you for being part of my journey of extracting thoughts from my brain and making them available to others. You see, because initially, it’s just you. And then it’s two of you, then three, then five, then ten, and then a hundred. And then sooner or later, it’ll be way more people than that if you stick with it.
I will also include a link to a YouTube video from Sean Cornell from Think Media. He talks about the ten reasons to start a YouTube channel. It’s a 38-minute video. I’ve extracted out the 10, actually 11 things he cites as reasons. I have put them here in this article so that you can scan them if you don’t have 38 minutes:
Top 11 reasons (Think Media, Sean Cannell)
- Become a creator instead of just a consumer
- History and legacy – documenting (does not have to be public, share with friends and family)
- Express your creativity
- Personal growth – build skills, micro-skills, confidence, problem-solving, resilience
- Build a portfolio of your work – thought leader
- Get discovered – second largest search engine; irresponsible not to have a YouTube channel
- Business
- Personal network
- Personal brand
- Personal branding – just start, and keep building, consistent repetition, CEO of You, Inc.
- Make money
- Make an impact
- Create community
- Personal passion
Please go to the link to our YouTube channel and click subscribe. It will help us get the word out about how vital Brilliance Mining is in scaling businesses and other organizations, what you can do with your brilliance and how to make it immortal. Thank you!
I’m Curious
Which is your favorite video on my new YouTube channel? 🙂
Thank you again for your support!