Exploit The Hidden Treasures From Creating Your Brilliance Nuggets

Exploit Your Hidden Treasures From Creating Your Brilliance Nuggets

Greetings, in this video, I want to talk with you about how to exploit your hidden treasures from creating your Brilliance and what a Brilliance Nugget is and why you might want to produce one on a regular basis.

Here is a quick video (see the transcript below):


Greetings, in this video, I want to talk with you about what a Brilliance Nugget is and why you might want to produce one on a regular basis.

You may know that since September 10th, 2021, I have initially produced a written and now a video-recorded Brilliance Nugget every day. 

Yes. I’ve published one every single day. Sometimes I’ve worked ahead a little, but most times, I haven’t actually. The purpose has been to extract knowledge from my brain and share it with you.

Why Do I Guide My Brilliance Mining Cohort Participants To Create Brief Daily Nuggets?

In my Brilliance Mining Cohort, I teach the art of taking knowledge out of your brain and putting it into a system that you can share with other people. Why am I inviting or urging the participants to write a little nugget each day?

The answer is simple: It is a way to pull knowledge out of your brain, even just a little snippet every day. That can look different for different people because some people might want to write a book. One little nugget at a time will help you build up the material for your book.

Another example: I have somebody who is working in a nonprofit and wants to write down the responsibilities of each of the positions in his nonprofit. For him, the Brilliance Nugget writing process might be a little bit different.

Despite the differences in what kind of nuggets different people produce, they have one thing in common: It’s the steady stream of documenting something in your brain that I’m talking about. The daily nuggets, or maybe it’s not quite daily, but frequently. Because the sum of tiny steps is genuinely and utterly unstoppable. 

I’m Curious

I invite you to ask yourself: What kind of nugget could I write down? Maybe do it for a week and see what pops out of your brain and onto paper, whether it’s actual paper or electronic paper doesn’t matter, or perhaps you feel inspired to record yourself just one minute a day. That is a brilliant nugget, too.

Let’s see what hidden treasures you have! 🙂