keep your mission going

How To Get Rejuvenating Rest Without Stopping Your Mission

So how to not stop your mission and get rejuvenating rest? Can you relate to this situation? You started a project or mission and got it going. Then, suddenly, you need a break for one reason or another. You stop what you’re doing with that mission. Sometime later, you return to it and get it going again. Often, the “later” never comes.

How can you address this dilemma? There is a litmus test for your business’ sustainability as well…


Can you relate to this situation? You started a project or mission and got it going. Then, suddenly, you need a break for one reason or another. You stop what you’re doing with that mission. Sometime later, you return to it and get it going again. Often, the “later” never comes.

Let’s think of this like a flywheel. When we first push on a flywheel, it takes considerable effort to get it going because a flywheel is heavy. But after a while, it’s much easier to keep it going. 

For example, when I started writing daily Brilliance Nuggets, it was hard initially but got a lot easier. Today is, in fact, my 300th Brilliance Nugget. Wow. It was not easy for me to envision doing this continuously without some rest. But when you stop pushing forward, the flywheel will slow down. At some point, it will stop. Later, it will be an enormous effort to get it going again. Thus, it makes sense to ensure that once a flywheel is moving, keep it going! However, that must not happen at the expense of having the rest you need.

The Big Question: How To Not Stop Your Mission AND Get Rest Nonetheless?

How can you keep that flywheel – your mission – going AND get the uplifting rest you need without that flywheel stopping? 

That question applies in many places. Most often, it’s a crisis that causes us to say, “Hey, you know that important but not urgent project I’m working on right now? I must put this on the back burner for a few weeks.” 

Often these few weeks turn into a few months. At that point, the flywheel has all but stopped. That’s a situation I frequently witness.

Brilliance Mining™ Is The Solution

How can you combat this dilemma? The solution is strongly related to the topic of Brilliance Mining™. I believe it is about becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the notion that it always takes you or a few key people to keep the flywheel moving. To effectively address these situations, you need to involve other people. That way, a crisis only you can deal with can be handled without stopping the mission/project. You will avoid burnout and get the rest you need. That’s so important.

By the way, consider this, too: Why is it that only you can handle the crisis?

Vacations and Crises Are Litmus Tests For Your Business’ Sustainability

I believe that when we need rest and go on vacation or encounter a crisis we have to deal with, it is like a litmus test. It’s a test for finding out how far you have come with making your business scalable and also transferable. The more those situations are a big pain point for you, the more important – and urgent – it is to work on Brilliance Mining. 

That’s my nugget for today. Number 300. Woohoo!

I’m Curious

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