How To Compel Others To Your Pioneering Idea
This nugget is about this question: How to compel others to your pioneering idea and help them implement the vision; help the idea gain traction?
This nugget is about this question: How can you compel other people to your pioneering idea and help them implement the vision; help the idea gain traction? I’ve been thinking about TED talks lately. I’m working on readying my idea of Brilliance Mining for a TED talk.
I got to thinking about it. What does it take to compel others to listen to this? I think the answer is to start with a story.
- What is the pain point of not implementing your idea?
- What is the pain point that even led to your idea?
In my case of Brilliance Mining, I think I will start with a story. I would like to hear your feedback on that.
- I envision starting with a story. It’s a business that lost invaluable expertise. This story has an unhappy ending.
- Next, we go into the fact that you are more brilliant than you realize! I bet that is you, right? You are more brilliant than you realize.
- And then to go into the fact that there is way too much brilliance laying around in graveyards.
- Don’t discount your brilliance, but extract it.
- Then, we can rewrite the story that we spoke about in the beginning. This time it does have a happy ending!
I think you could do something very similar. Start with a story that has an unhappy ending. It showcases the pain points of the people who you want to help with your pioneering idea. Next, take them through the evolution of what they need to learn about. Then rewrite the story at the end and make it the happy one.
I’m Curious
What do you think about this talk outline?
I’d love to hear your feedback on it. Thank you.