Three Surprisingly Simple Moves That Make Outsourcing Successful
Today’s Brilliance Nugget is about three surprisingly simple moves that you can use to make outsourcing successful. Listen to the short video or read the transcript below. Enjoy – and outsource even the things you thought you couldn’t delegate!
(I tried a supposedly “better” microphone but … it wasn’t better! I apologize for the imperfection – but I’m hoping you will get value from it nonetheless.)
Transcript of the Video:
Today’s Brilliance Nugget is about three surprisingly simple moves that you can use to make outsourcing successful.
Move #1: Write Down The Tasks You Could Potentially Outsouce
Move #1 is to write down all the things you could potentially outsource. Even the things that you might think are perhaps a little bit difficult to outsource. Write them down anyway.
Move #2: Find And Train A Person
Move #2 then is to find and train a person. I find it’s easiest if you have somebody you trust who can give you a referral. Meet with that person. If the person is working remotely, then meeting over Zoom is a really simple way. You get to know each other. You agree on the terms. You agree on the pay, the time, how you will work with each other.
Then train the person – again, you can do that over Zoom. Record the training. That’s so important.
Leave enough gaps between the segments of what you’re training. Train one little bite, leave like a short break, and then train another little bite. You can cut the recording into segments later, which will be helpful.
Then you can send that video over to that person plus whatever login information the person may need.
For example, you may have some documents for which you could use help. Maybe the person can run it through “Grammarly” (an app that helps correct grammar). I’m embarking on that now with my Brilliance Nuggets.
Next, the person can begin the work. You need to, of course, make sure that you inspect what you expect, especially at the beginning to make sure that
- Your training is complete
- The person you chose is the right person
- There aren’t any questions that maybe the other person is even thinking about asking.
Move #3: Build A Quick Online Training Course Or Portal
Let’s get to move three. I think this move is the one that is most often overlooked, namely, to build a quick online training portal or course. Really it doesn’t have to be complicated because you recorded the video of the training. Because you left a little gap in between the segments, you can splice that video quite easily into short segments (perhaps 3-5 minutes each).
Then you can get a transcript of the video segments. For example, I recently told you about the use of a tool called “Loom”, where you get a machine-generated transcript (for each video you record or upload). You can edit the transcript into bulleted or numbered lists of steps.
By the way, this doesn’t have to be perfect. As you can see, I just noticed there’s a typo on my slide. That’s okay. It doesn’t have to be perfect. You can always make it better. At least you have something.
You can then set up a training course in your favorite learning management system. I use Lifter LMS, but there are many others. You fill in that content, which is the video or the little video segments and bullets. Each segment becomes a lesson.
You will have captured your training for good. You can always make it better, but at least you have it, and you can train more people with it as your business grows. And maybe you need more people, or you can deal with turnover or both.
Those are my three surprisingly simple moves for making outsourcing successful.
I’m Curious
Before I go, I have a quick question for you.
- What could you outsource?
- How inclined are you to use those three moves?
Please drop me a comment. I’ll look forward to it.