
Sunday Ponderings: “It Is Time”

Recently, our church began a series called “It is time.” During the past two weeks, the conversation was about it being time to heal from the conflicts that have arisen as a result of the pandemic. It is time to forgive, apologize, and be thankful for all our blessings. It is also time to pursue God.

Today, the service included 60 seconds of stillness. Call it meditation if you like. Then Pastor Jason asked each of us to write down what we thought it is time for. More stillness. More prayer. More parenting wisdom (there is a great program called “Crazy cool family” I have begun to look at).

I came across these two Sunday quotes:

Do not let Sunday be taken from you. If your soul has no Sunday, it becomes an orphan.”

Albert Schweitzer, French-German physician, theologian, musician, and philosopher (1875–1965)

Happy Sunday. Spread love. Show kindness. Live life in the present.

Independent Zen

I did a lot today – but I was relaxed doing it.

  • Coming back from church, I tackled a mountain of laundry. I didn’t mind it (that hack that allows me to fold T-shirts so much faster is really working for me!).
  • I also looked at Powtoon, an animation software. I thought about what is next when we cross the 365 Brilliance Nugget finish line (this coming Thursday, September 9, 2022).
  • My husband Adam and I did a bit of woodworking on our pergola.
  • I called my Dad in Germany.
  • I spoke to a dear friend and caught up on the latest. We have been close friends for the past 16 years.
  • I went to the store to buy a few ingredients for dinner. The store was completely out of corn starch. I consulted with Adam over the phone, and we decided Tapioca flour was a good substitute. Adam cooked orange chicken. We ate dinner. I ate mostly sashimi because I’m avoiding carbs at the moment.
  • After cleaning up, I dissected half a watermelon that was leftover from my birthday party. Adam kept it cool in the cooler outside by adding ice every day. We now have a ton of frozen watermelon juice! (Yes, I know the melon juice has a higher glycemic index. But we only have so much space in our freezer. Time will tell us what we will do with the juice.)
  • The NASCAR race just finished (Southern 500 at Darlington Raceway). I watched only with one eye because I was torturing the watermelon. But it was an exciting one.
  • I was looking forward to another episode of “The old man,” but it got too late. Tomorrow, maybe.

It was a great, peaceful, enjoyable Sunday. Good night!

I’m Curious

What was your Sunday like?