gift of writing daily

Never Underestimate The Wondrous Gifts From Writing Every Day 

Today is the 184th day of me writing Brilliance Nuggets every day. I have been writing every day for six months now. Yesterday, I crossed the halfway point of my year-long writing journey.

I get these questions a lot:

  1. What is it like to write and publish every day?
  2. How do you keep coming up with exciting and engaging content?
  3. How long does it take you?
  4. Do you make money with your writing?
  5. Are you going to make the Brilliance Nuggets into a book?

I want to answer these questions by sharing the gifts I have gotten along the way so far.

What Is It Like To Write And Publish Every Day?

I have to admit it was a bit tough at first. Writing the nuggets took me a long time at first – because my perfectionism kicked in. The articles would get too long. My benchmark is 300-600 words. While some nuggets are a bit longer, I aim to keep them in that range. That way, you can read them while drinking a cup of coffee. Or, as my husband said, you can eat your cheerios with milk without the cheerios getting soggy while reading a nugget.

After a week, it got easier. Writing these nuggets is my opportunity to think and further evolve what I’m working on. 

Imagine what could happen in your business or organization if you gave yourself just 30 minutes every single day to think about what’s next? What if you wrote your thoughts down? What if you wrote them down in such a way that you could easily find a specific idea again later on? 

The other tremendous gift is the connection and friendship I have built with many of you. Thank you! It warms my heart!

How Do You Keep Coming Up With Interesting And Engaging Content?

  • I listen. 
  • I listen within myself to capture my thoughts. That is a form of Brilliance Extraction on myself. 
  • I’m often like a sponge absorbing the things said and done around me. They trigger ideas. Yes, that could be an excellent Brilliance Nugget!
  • I have a list of ideas on a Notion page (Notion is a fantastic app) I set up for the Brilliance Nuggets. That way, I am never looking at an empty page.

How Long Does It Take You? 

In the beginning, … I don’t exactly remember. Maybe it was three hours from concept to publishing. This timeframe includes designing the header image, entering the focus keyword, and writing the Google preview. Then I write the email to you, my Brilliance Nugget readers.

After a while, the time got shorter, but not always. It depends on the topic. I often tackle a subject I want to learn more about or think through more deeply. But then, it is not fair to say that all the time spent on that nugget is for writing. Some it is for learning, reading, thinking.

It goes back to what I said above: The gift is to keep learning and evolving what I’m doing. If you get only 1% better every week, where will you end up?

Do You Make Money With Your Writing? 

My writing Brilliance Nuggets is not motivated by the idea that they will make me money. At least, not directly. 

When people engage with you regularly, and you bring value, that certainly does help you. Everyone who buys anything from you sells themselves on needing or wanting what you offer. You can provide a helpful conversation to foster people uncovering their needs and wants.

A former client of mine recently asked me to coach one of his General Managers. You could say that he was a former client, and you did an excellent job for him. Of course, he is going to come back to you for more. Sure, you are right. At the same time, I stayed on top of his mind, too, and maintained our relationship.

Others have referred me to people I didn’t know before.

One of the gifts that stems from writing the Brilliance Nuggets is that it builds relationships and provides education. It leads to business organically. I sometimes send someone to a specific nugget because I think it will support them with what they are working on.

Are You Going To Make The Brilliance Nuggets Into A Book? 

Yes! 🙂

I’m Curious

  • How compelled are you to write one little nugget of your own each day?
  • How do you feel about sharing it with others?