fun challenge

Ready, Set, Go: Tap Into Your Brilliance With This Simple 7-Day Challenge

It is time for a simple 7-Day challenge. It starts on Monday. It is simple: Write one to two sentences, or even one to two bullets each day for seven days. We could call it a mini-nugget. Or perhaps it is a micro-nugget. Either way is great!

There are a lot of “rules” (not really): 

  1. You can write about ANYTHING that comes to your mind
  2. It does not have to feel like it’s “brilliant.”
  3. I am not counting the number of words or characters.
  4. You don’t have to write it at any particular time of the day.
  5. I invite you to have fun with this!

The only thing I am challenging to do is write SOMETHING every day for seven days in a row.

Why Am I Challenging You To Do This?

  • Writing is a way to pull thoughts and ideas out of your brain. It is one of the ways I do Brilliance Extraction™. Please don’t get hung up on the word “Brilliance” (see rules #1 and 2).
  • You are building a new habit. It is a tiny habit for now – but you can build on it!
  • You are developing a self-discipline for writing a little bit each day for 7 days. You can say to yourself, “I said I’m going to do this, and I am.”

A few tips:

  1.  Allow your writing to flow. Whatever comes to you is good. Make peace with Mr. or Mrs. Perfect.
  2. Five minutes is more than enough time to write one sentence. If you want to write more, set aside a little more time.
  3. I recommend you schedule a time in your calendar to reserve the time. But it is up to you. Do it in a way that works for you.
  4. Starting is almost always the most challenging part because you are shifting “state.” In other words, you were doing something else, and you are moving your focus to write your daily mini-nugget. Once you are in the writing state it is easy.
  5. Please take a look at my daily Brilliance Nugget each day next week because I will support you all week!

We Will Start On Monday! Ready, Set, Go!

Drum rolls, please: I will raffle off a unique one-of-a-kind Brilliance Mining T-shirt among those who complete the challenge. 🙂 Please leave me a quick note letting me know you are participating.  

I’m Curious

Are you in? It is easy and fun!

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