The Huge Gift Of The Four Corner Stones Of Success

The Huge Gift Of The Four Cornerstones Of Success

I always keep thinking about things. It hit me that there are four cornerstones of success. These four cornerstones are the things I think we get out of out of being in business or pursuing a mission outside of business.


Dr. Stephie here. You know me by now. I always keep thinking about things. These four cornerstones are the things I think we get out of being in business or pursuing a mission outside of business. Of course, at the surface we get these three things: 

  • Money 
  • Freedom
  • Impact 

You can list these items in whatever order you want. That is something that I have verbalized for a long time.

But You Get More Than Money, Freedom, and Impact

Underneath all that, it seems that there are four cornerstones that are things that you get out of being in that business or that nonprofit or that mission. Whatever it is. That is the following: 


The first cornerstone is self-growth. You have to grow yourself in order for your business or mission to really take off. That is so valuable! Even throughout all the agonies, successes, and failures that you are experiencing, remember: it’s all about self-growth. 


However, there’s another aspect to that. That’s the second cornerstone, I believe. That is the second one is, self-care. You’ve got to take care of yourself because doing this is not a sprint. It is a marathon, and you got to take care of yourself. 

Team Leadership And Growth

The third cornerstone is about learning how to engage other people and lead them. You go from self-leadership and self-growth to team leadership and team growth. That also causes amazing growth within yourself. 


Then last but not least, the fourth cornerstone is all about innovation and thinking outside of the box. So many times, I have seen even really smart people say, “You know, that thing we’re doing works okay. We’ve always done it this way!

But the world isn’t the same anymore as it was 20 years ago. It’s not even the same as it was three years ago, two years ago, or even one year ago. The world changes so fast. You got to stay at the innovative edge!

Key Takeaways

In summary, the four cornerstones are

  1. Self-growth
  2. Self-care
  3. Team leadership and growth 
  4. Innovation, and thinking outside the box.

These four cornerstones are a huge gift that comes from doing what you do. Next time you have something happen that feels challenging or like a pain in the rear. Just think about what is the gift of this. Cause I promise you, there is one.

I’m Curious

I invite you to think about how you are doing with these four cornerstones. Which one could you beef up? What is one little step you could take today toward that?

By the way, please just pick one – not two, three, or all four. One little step at a time taken consistently… you guessed it, that is the secret behind being unstoppable!