How To Recognize The Brilliance Hidden Inside Your Brain

how to recognize the brilliance hidden in your brain

When I speak in front of groups or have a one-on-one conversation, I often ask, “Do you consider yourself brilliant?” It’s probably not surprising that most often, people do not recognize the Brilliance in them are humble, and they say, “No, I don’t consider myself brilliant,” because they think of people like Elon Musk, Stephen…

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Document Your Experience In A Fast-Changing World?

Document Your Experience In A FastChanging World

Does It make sense to document your experience when the world is changing so fast? You know, my answer is a resounding “Yes!” But there is a twist to it. Does It Make Sense To Document Your Experience When The World Is Changing So Fast?  I came across an interesting article by Gary C. Laney entitled…

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How To Create Your Custom Training Portal: A Case Study

Would you like to see a real-life company training portal that is the result of Brilliance Mining™? I am showing you this to inspire you!

Would you like to see a real-life company custom training portal resulting from Brilliance Mining™? I am showing you this to inspire you! It all started with explaining a sophisticated software product to potential customers to help them understand how it becomes a game changer for them and why they should buy it. The course…

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Delegating Is The Hardest When You Need It Most

delegating is the hardest when you need it most

Delegating is the hardest when you need it most. We tend to “muscle” through busy times. By that, I mean we continue to do tasks that we have not become comfortable with delegating. Can you relate? That practice is no longer possible when the work exceeds your bandwidth – despite working late and on weekends. Delegating has…

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