Distill your content with AI

How To Save Yourself Tons Of Time And Make The Most Of Video Transcripts

Where ever I go, I recommend, “Record ALL your training!” In this nugget, I am showing you how you can save yourself tons of time and make the most of you video transcripts from these recordings (this works for audio recordings, too).

Summary of Transcript

Greetings. In this video, I want to give you a tip on how you can save yourself tons of time when using transcripts from videos, for example,

  • Videos of you training others, or 
  • Videos of training by other people in your organization.

The Idea behind What I’m Showing You In This Video

  1. The idea is you video (or, at least, audio-record) all training that you’re doing or that someone in your organization is doing.
  2. I recommend you label these videos well for future use.
  3. You might want to catalog them in a simple database (which is easy to do in an app such as Notion).
  4. You can use an AI-powered Summarizer like Flacked AI to summarize a machine-generated transcript
  5. Often, the 40% summary level is best to distill the transcript’s content.

A Summary Of What I’m showing In The Video

I’m in Loom right now, an excellent video hosting service.

  • I upload videos here or record them here from the beginning.
  • I show an example of one of my recent videos – this one is on “Engineering standards and procedures.”
  • In Loom, to see the entire transcript, click on the “review transcript” button (see in the video where that button is).
  • Click on the copy button here to copy the transcript (see in the video where that button is).

Next, you might want to use a text summarizer. I’m using Flacked AI.

  • Several AI tools have become available. They’re getting better and better.
  • Choose a summary size (20%, 40%, 60%, or 80%)
  • In the video, I show the summary for the example transcript. I demonstrate the 20% and the 40% summary level. I think 40% is often the sweet spot. At that level, you summarize significantly but don’t lose too much of the information.

Flacked AI Helped Me With The Creation Of This Summary

By the way, I generated this summary from the machine-generated transcript of the video above (40%). 

  • I then edited it in a tool called “Grammarly” to improve the grammar and crispness of the language.
  • I restructured the content a bit: At the end of the video, I succinctly summarized the purpose of this video, and I thought this would be best placed at the top.
  • I added a couple of things the summarizer left out (but there was not much).

I’m Curious

  • To what extent are you in the habit of recording all your training?
  • Have you experimented with AI-powered summarizers? If yes, what is your experience with them?


  1. Jacquelyn on at

    Dan recorded my first two weeks. Most of the things you said are over my head. Could be I am tired.

    • Stephie Althouse on at

      Jacquelyn, great Dan recorded your training. Yay!
      What I am saying is that you could get a transcript of these recordings and use them further, for example, for creating a book or workbook.
      I was also showing how to use software to quickly summarize such transcripts.