How To Set Goals With Your Four Cornerstones Of Success
When we set goals, we often tend to set an overwhelming number of goals. It occurred to me that the four ”Cornerstones of Success” I recently spoke about can be a great guide for goal setting. It focuses the mind on making sure each of the cornerstones is covered and it can reduce goal-setting overwhelm.
Greetings, Dr. Stephie here. I would like to share with you how to set goals with the help of the four ”Cornerstones of Success” that I recently spoke about. Remember we talked about:
- Self-growth
- Self-care
- Team growth
- Innovation
You could set up these areas in a sheet, for example, with my beloved app Notion. You can do it on an Excel sheet, on a piece of paper, or on a whiteboard – it doesn’t matter which one you choose. List each of the four areas.
Then set one (!) goal with respect to that particular area. That ensures you have one goal in each of the four ”Cornerstones of Success” areas. It also makes sure you don’t set too many goals (if you tend to “over-goal” yourself).
An example of a great self-growth goal is “Buy and read a book, e.g., ”The seven habits of highly effective people.” To make it specific, you might say, “I’m going to read it for 30 minutes per day, five times a week until I’m done.”
Maybe you set a fitness goal, e.g., around biking, or perhaps you talk about getting a massage once a week or once every other week. Whatever it is make sure, as, with all goal setting, that you set a goal that you can measure, i.e., you can see whether you got there.
For example, making more money is not a goal because I’m sure you don’t mean just one penny more. You need to be specific about what you want.
Team growth
For example, you might set the goal of setting up a rapid improvement plan, which means you work with your team to improve some specific aspect of your organization. It’s often a good idea to involve multiple people from different departments and help them work together. So, it really is a team exercise with a purpose.
Which one goal you could set regarding innovation? For example, recruiting may very well have changed in your industry. Perhaps you want to look at new ways to recruit, turn over some new stones, and explore new opportunities. Whatever conclusions you may have drawn in the past may need to be reexamined.
These are examples of self-growth, self-care, team growth, and innovation. I invite you to set a goal in each of those four areas and see your success – and happiness – soar!
I’m Curious
Which goals are you setting in these four areas?