Speak your vision

Speak Your New Vision, Shape It, Bring It To Life

Do you have ideas brewing in your head you’re working on shaping and bringing the life? Here’s a nugget on how to speak your new vision, shape it and bring it to life much faster than most people do.


Do you have a new vision? Are some ideas brewing in your head you’re working on shaping and bringing the life?

Here’s a little nugget that I want to share with you.

Speak your vision, even if it’s not polished yet; just speak it. You will be amazed how fast it can come to life because as you speak it, you will shape it. You will make it real. That is what is going to bring it to life way faster than you think possible. 

Also, you’re going to get feedback. That is useful, too – as long as you don’t let the naysayers get the best of you.

In that context, distinguish between opinions and solid advice. 

  • Your parent or a friend who’s never done what you’re talking about might have an opinion. They often do (although my parents are good about not giving unsolicited opinions). 
  • In contrast, somebody who has been there and done something similar or is also a visionary may have some real advice. 

The Takeaway

I invite you to speak your vision, shape it, and bring it to life much more quickly than you thought possible.

I’m Curious

Which vision are you working on right now? Mine is to create a Brilliance Club. I will speak about it shortly.