chill pill

Take a Chill Pill

Sometimes we need to calm ourselves down. I call that taking a “chill pill.” Chill pills come in many forms (I’m not talking about actual pills).

I challenged myself to come up with 50 ideas. Of course, there are many more. Here are the 50 ideas for chill pills I thought of today (in alphabetical order):

  1. Answer a communication (email, letter, text, phone call) from a friend who you haven’t had time to get back to
  2. Ask yourself “If there were no barriers what would I really want to do right now?” Then get as close to that as you can
  3. Be creative
  4. Be with a friend (sometimes it is not about talking with a friend, or doing something in particular – just being around them can be great)
  5. Breathe deeply
  6. Call a friend
  7. Celebrate something you are happy about or proud of
  8. Close your eyes and rub your thumb against your index finger; focus on feeling every fine detail of your skin (this is a mini-meditation; very smiliar to focusing on your breath)
  9. Decorate your living space
  10. Do some gardening
  11. Do some yoga – keep it as simple or sophisticated as you like
  12. Do something with a friend
  13. Do something you’ve put off because you thought “I don’t have time for that”
  14. Eat something special (but don’t eat to numb negative emotions)
  15. Find something to laugh about
  16. Focus on your many blessings
  17. Get a massage
  18. Get a predicure/ manicure
  19. Get enough sleep
  20. Go bike riding
  21. Go dancing
  22. Go for a walk or hike
  23. Go kayaking/canoeing
  24. Go shopping
  25. Help someone
  26. Hug someone you care about
  27. Kiss someone you love
  28. Light a candle
  29. Listen to music
  30. Look at what is working in yiur life
  31. Meditate – even if it is only for 3 minutes
  32. Pay a compliment to someone
  33. Pet your pet
  34. Play a game
  35. Play with your kid/s
  36. Pray
  37. Read a good book
  38. Sing a song
  39. Sing karaoke
  40. Stretch (or get stretched)
  41. Take a hot bath
  42. Take a shower
  43. Take time for a hobby (e.g., woodworking, crafting, …whatever it might be for you)
  44. Talk to a friend
  45. Tinker with something
  46. Watch something funny
  47. Work out
  48. Write down what you are grateful for
  49. Write in your journal
  50. Write your own Brilliance Nugget

I’m Curious

  • Which chill/s pill do you like best?
  • Which ideas do you have that are not yet on this list? I’m happy to add them here?

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