
Wait – A Blog About Procrastination?

I think I will write this one later… just kidding.

What causes procrastination? Why do people put things off? It seems to me, the most common causes are

  • Fear (of getting it wrong or not being able to handle it)
  • Need for more information
  • Overwhelm
  • Disliking the task at hand
  • Feeling lazy (less common?)

I help my clients push through their procrastination all the time. Together we think through the ones that stand in their way for getting the results that matter to them.

What Do I Procrastinate About?

Let’s Look At Examples Of Where I am Procrastinating

But it might be interesting (albeit scary or embarrassing?) to take a look at some things I have put off (or am still putting off) … (oh no!)

To start with something easy:

Rescheduling Our Son’s Dentist Appointment

I didn’t put it off for more than a couple of days. I had to figure out when he is available. Considering school and all the sports he is in it required thought, and also input from my husband. Once I had that figured out I made the call. Done.

Category: Need more information

Calling The Mobile Phone Company And Resolving Billing Issues

Yikes! Months ago they gave us a 2-for-1 deal on new phones. Then my husband decided to change his phone number and still keep his old one, too. They told him, “no problem.”

But then somehow this change was not easy at all and it screwed up the whole deal. At first, I had trouble even logging into my account. The system sent me thorough annoying loops trying to recover the password.

Categories: overwhelm and severe dislike of the task

Knocking Out A Long To-Do Home Improvement List

Here, the issue lies with the word “long.” One might say “too long.”

But it is a matter of chunking it down. That changes the situation from overwhelming to doable. And yes, I will finally cut the new baseboards for the pool bath.

Today, I promise. – Wait, is there time for this in the calendar? Check it!

Category: Overwhelm

What About The Legacybox I Bought Months Ago?

Legacybox digitizes non-digital media. I have some slides (remember when those were all the rage?) from a trip of a lifetime. Canoeing 100 miles through the Everglades. Also, some more slides from mountaineering in the Alps.

I bought the Legacybox because my initial attempt to scan the slides myself was so SLOW.

But now that I have the box I am faced with having to pack them up and ship them. How will they maintain the right order? What if they get lost in shipping?

These questions are not so much conscious (until I start writing about them). They go on subconsciously. And the box sits there, awaiting the use for which I already paid.

Categories: Fear and overwhelm. (P.S.: Since writing this blog I have taken care of this task. Yay!)

Contacting People Who Could Help Me With My Goals

I almost “forgot” that one. I have gotten much better at it. But still, there are some calls I have put off.

Category: Fear.

What is The Antidote To Procrastination?

  1. Think through the question “What is stopping me?”
    • Fear (of getting it wrong or not being able to handle it)
    • Need more information
    • Overwhelm
    • Disliking the task at hand
    • Feeling lazy
  2. Which little step can I take to get moving? – Taking several small steps on a consistent basis brings more progress than the occassional giant step.
  3. Schedule the little action step in your calendar.
  4. Ask someone to hold you accountable. – Good friends can sometimes do this. Often though they will let you off the hook too easily.

I’m Curious

Now that you have read about some of my areas of procrastination or hesitation:

What are you procrastinating about? What is stopping you with this item? Who do you have who can support you with getting it done?


  1. Stephie, thanks for doing this! I had to comment right away to avoid procastination!

    Keep up the great work!

    • Stephie Althouse on at

      Thank you, Robert!

  2. Tom Dewell on at

    I try to do things the items I dislike the most first on a daily basis. I’m fresher in the morning which helps tackle the tasks and it gets the items that could be procrastinated done! We always find the time later in the day for the things we want to do and like the best. On the bigger projects I find that if I schedule them with myself and actually put them on my calendar there’s a better chance that it will get done.
    Thanks Stephie, keep the nuggets coming 🙂

    • Stephie Althouse on at

      Hi Tom, that is a great method! Awesome! Yes, putting breaking larger projects into bite-sized tasks and scheduling them in your calendar is vital for getting them done. Tackling things you dislike first thing in the morning is a great idea, too. Having someone to hold one accountable is great, too, of course! Thank you for sharing that! Cheers!

  3. Carolyn Koenig on at

    Good topic, Stephie! I always try to remember that a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step…. That gives me courage and a way to take small bites out of task I am tempted to put on the back burner.

    • Stephie Althouse on at

      Thank you, Carolyn! Very true.

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