What if game

Your Brilliance: A Quick “What If” Game

Today let’s play a quick “what if” game.

Let’s Assume Seven Things

  1. You realize that you have expertise and experience that is of value to others (I call that “brilliance“)
  2. You want to pass this brilliance on to others – like team members, someone who might want to buy your company in the future, people wo are considering to buy from you, …
  3. You already have video recordings of you explaining your brilliance to someone – even if not keep reading
  4. That “someone” is a person like the people you want to train in the future
  5. You want to make training others easy, and repeatable
  6. You want to make it possible to train someone without you having to be there
  7. You see an exciting opportunity and pay-off with that

Ok, Now What?

Now, you are dying to find out how you can do that without spending heaps of time you don’t have or breaking the bank.

Fantastic! Now, what is the process?

Let’s pretend I’m explaining this to my 13-year old son:

  1. First things first: Who is it for? What are you wanting to make happen? What will your payoff look like?
  2. Let’s make an outline of the training you envision. You can think of this like a dresser with drawers. The dresser is a like a training portal or academy. Each drawer is a course. Let’s label each drawer. Like “socks”, “T-shirts” and so on. Except it is your content rather than clothes.
  3. Now we “dump” any content you already have into the drawer it belongs to. This video is about “socks”, so it goes in the drawer lableled “socks.” – Wow, that was easy.
  4. Then we start organizing – and simplifing whre possible. These two socks make a pair. I’m not sure that is the best analogy. Our house seems to be eating socks and we end up with single socks. LOL. Anyway, we start to organize the content. We start with one drawer. The one you care about the most, or the one that is the easist to start with.
  5. We transcribe the videos. We create a document of everything that you said in your videos.
  6. Then we pull out the main points you made in the videos. We make them very succint and clear.
  7. We divide the content into bitesize chunks. Long videos are boring for most people. We break them into smaller ones, a few minutes in length. The length we go for depends on the topic and who it is for.
  8. We set up a WordPress website and install a Learning Managment System (LMS). I use Lifer LMS but there are others we can use.
  9. We build lesson pages. Each page has a lesson header on the top. Underneath, we say one sentence about what this lesson is about. Then we say something like “the main point you will learn” and we list a few bullets. Then we show them the video. (it could even work with slides). Underneath the video, we reiterate the main things the person just learned. That way we reinforce the learning. Underneath we say “next steps”. That could be a quiz and an/or an assignment. Then the next step is to go to the next lesson.
  10. We build quizzes for some or all lesson pages (assuming that is the right call in the case at hand)
  11. We build an assignment for some or all lesson pages (when that makes sense).
  12. We find someone we want to train and let them go though the course. We get feedback.
  13. We talk about an “inverse” classroom. That means: Often, we set it up so that trainees go through one module in a course per week (or day). Then they get to meet the trainer live via video conferencing to ask questions. They get to talk about how to apply the training, and discuss their assignments. This is called “inverse” classroom because the teacher is not there to teach the same material over and over again (that is the job of the online course we built). He or she is there to help with questions and applying the material. Like a math teacher helping with homework instead of spending the time together on teaching the concepts.

And The Winner Is…!

That’s it! The winner is you – and those you train.

Next up: Use the course! Roll it out. Train people. Scale what you are doing. Make money. Leave a legacy. Have fun doing it. And, of course, use the feedback to make the course even better as you go along.

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