Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day to you and yours! This year, Labor Day is celebrating its 128th anniversary, i.e., Labor Day became an official federal holiday in 1894. The first Labor Day happened twelve years before then, in 1982, in New York City. Labor Day recognizes the many contributions the American worker makes to our society. Some…

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Sunday Ponderings: “It Is Time”


Recently, our church began a series called “It is time.” During the past two weeks, the conversation was about it being time to heal from the conflicts that have arisen as a result of the pandemic. It is time to forgive, apologize, and be thankful for all our blessings. It is also time to pursue…

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Sunday Is Funday: Improv With Dr. Stephie and Marie Harrop

improv with Dr. Steph and Marie Harrop

My friend Marie Harrop and I had fun this morning with a little improv session. Be prepared to witness silliness. 🙂 I’m Curious What do you think of improv in general or our little improv in particular? Transcript Dr. Stephie:Hey. It’s Doctor Stephie here and my dear friend Marie Harop. Marie:Action. Okay. So here we…

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Challenge Day #1: Which Idea Are You Implementing Today?

Challenge Day 1

Did you see the Challenge Day I announced yesterday? It starts today and is quite simple: Implement one idea, small or large, today. Do that for seven days. Write down what you did and let me know. I will raffle off three prizes as an additional incentive for you to participate – although you will…

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Why You Love Or Hate Online Learning

Why You Love Or Hate Online Learning

Do you love or hate online learning? Why? In this nugget, I’m exploring the pros and cons of self-paced online learning, and I’m comparing it to “online learning VIP style.” The toastmaster who gave the speech I mention in this nugget is Swaran Singh. I’m Curious What is your experience with unfacilitated or facilitated online…

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How To Make A Quantum Leap In Your Life

Quantum leap

This is a great question. Is it even possible? Yes, I’m convinced it is possible – with a change in mindset! How can you make a quantum leap in your life? What does this even mean? Is it possible?  It means that instead of making progress gradually, possibly by just taking consistent steps or working…

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How To Create Success With This Simple 3-Step Formula

3-step success formula

Today is the third day of our challenge, and yes, it is not too late for you to begin participating. It occurred to me that fundamentally, the formula to create success is much simpler than we often make it out to be. I’m Curious Which idea will you decide to act on today? Transcript Hello,…

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Why Do You Want To Take That Leap Of Faith?

Leap of faith

Twelve years ago, I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane. I had looked forward to it. I wanted to do it. When it came time to jump, I was terrified – but not for long. It was so exciting I wanted to do it again as soon as we landed. This story is a…

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A Simple Hack To Make Presentations More Engaging

A Simple Hack To Make Presentations More Engaging

Have you ever faced this dilemma on how to make presentations more engaging? Recently, I gave a 20-minute presentation via video conference (Zoom). I had given a similar presentation at an in-person event and had used a few slides as illustrations along the way. However, I purposely avoided making the presentation slide-heavy. The slides were…

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I’m Incredibly Grateful To You!

Thank you!

This is my birthday message for you from my heart to yours! Transcript Hello, Dr. Stephie here. Today is my birthday. I want to use the opportunity to say, “Thank you!” It’s been an amazing year since my last birthday. Shortly after my birthday, I started writing the Brilliance Nuggets. I love the support I’ve gotten from…

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