Personal Growth And Development

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  • Personal Growth & Development
action-focused reading

The Remarkable Impact of ACTION-focused Reading On Your Life

Can you imagine reading a book in just 50 minutes? You don’t have to be a speed reader to do it. All you need to do is be selective and look for an idea you can take action on. In this nugget, I’m sharing several breakthroughs, aha moments, and valuable reminders I got from doing…
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Quantum leap

How To Make A Quantum Leap In Your Life

This is a great question. Is it even possible? Yes, I’m convinced it is possible – with a change in mindset! How can you make a quantum leap in your life? What does this even mean? Is it possible?  It means that instead of making progress gradually, possibly by just taking consistent steps or working…
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Leap of faith

Why Do You Want To Take That Leap Of Faith?

Twelve years ago, I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane. I had looked forward to it. I wanted to do it. When it came time to jump, I was terrified – but not for long. It was so exciting I wanted to do it again as soon as we landed. This story is a…
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Time Racket

How To Tame Your “Time Racket”?

What is a “Time Racket”? I noticed this one sneaking up on me lately – and I’m curious whether you can relate to it. Let’s look at what a “Time Racket” is and how to tame it. Here is the link to the curriculum of Landmark Worldwide’s Forum. I’m Curious Does the time racket sneak…
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See An Opportunity

When You See An Opportunity, Raise Your Hand

It strikes me that the difference between people who have a lot of success and people who have much less success is this, when you see an opportunity, raise your hand. Transcript It strikes me that the difference between people who have a lot of success and people who have much less success is this:…
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Three Parenting Traps

How to Avoid these Three Parenting Traps

Parenting is probably the hardest thing we will ever do in our life. Here are three traps to avoid and one idea to aspire to. This nugget is about how to avoid these three parenting traps. If only it were that easy!  I wanted to relate something to you that I just heard from Jeff Brown, the…
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Embrace the suck and look for the good

“Embrace The Suck” And Pay Attention To The Good

Yesterday, my Toastmasters friend Karen Phelps reminded me of something very important: “Embracing the suck” and paying attention to what is good is a great combination. Here is what I mean by that. Transcript Greetings, Dr. Stephie here. ”Embrace the suck” and pay attention to the good. That is what I was reminded of yesterday…
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Difficult Conversations

The Art Of Having Difficult Conversations And Remaining Great Friends

How can we have DIFFICULT conversations without risking our friendship? This topic came up in a conversation with a couple of dear friends. I shared with them that when I grew up in Germany, it was not uncommon to have heated debates about politics (and soccer) over a beer or two. No matter how hard they…
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Fresh On-The-Mind Thoughts About Observing Your MAGIC and Perfectionism

This is a late-night nugget with fresh thoughts about observing your “magic.” Is observing your “magic” neat or messy? I was publishing a major course today and recording my every step along the way. See what happened. I’m Curious What are you committed to? Perfection or progress? Transcript Hello, Dr. Stephie here; this is a…
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the stillness is you

“The Stillness is You” – A Wisdom Film By Deepak Chopra

“You, my friend, are not your thoughts. You are the thinker of the thoughts. The thoughts come from you. So, where are you? You are in the stillness, the silence between your thoughts. That stillness, that silence, is you. And that you is the window to the infinite mind.” Deepak Chopra It strikes me that…
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What Happened In Germany Does Not Stay In Germany

I want to share what happened in Germany plus a couple of thoughts about this picture with you. The photo shows our son, Dylan, my father-in-law, and myself six years ago in Germany. My husband took the picture. I remember this day so clearly. We had planned this trip for years. It had been a…
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how can you form a new habit more easily

How Can You Form A New Habit More Easily

There is much talk about the power of habits – the right ones, of course! How can you form a new habit more easily?  Transcript How can you form a new habit more easily? I have the good fortune to be part of an exciting team right now, putting together a program on how you…
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Beware Make Sure To Climb YOUR Mountain Top

Beware: Make Sure To Climb YOUR Mountain Top

As we pursue different goals, sometimes it’s good to stop and reexamine them. It has to be YOUR mountain top you’re climbing. Climbing mountain top it’s not necessarily easy. Make sure to pick the right one. Transcript As we pursue different goals, sometimes it’s good to stop and think about in more depth. It has…
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The Counterintuitive Way To Be More Successful

A Counterintuitive Way To Being More Successful

Often we set the bar high for ourselves. As high achievers, we set the bar high, way high a lot of times. Here is a counterintuitive way to become more successful. Transcript Would you like to know a counterintuitive way to be more successful? Often we set the bar high for ourselves. I suspect you…
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How To Finally See How Brilliant You Really Are

How To Finally See How Brilliant You Really Are

“I’m not Elon Musk. I’m not a brilliant person.” I have been hearing that a lot over the time that I’ve been talking about Brilliance Mining and Brilliance Extraction to see how brilliant you really are. That is the start of the conversation – but that is not where it ends.  Transcript . How can…
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Is The Human Brain A Fascinating Blessing Or A Curse

Is The Human Brain A Fascinating Blessing Or A Curse?

Do you think that the human brain is a fascinating blessing, or do you think at times, that it is a bit of a curse? When you look at your pet, what do you notice? Transcript Do you think that the human brain is a fascinating blessing, or do you think at times, it is…
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What Are The Traits Of A Great Writer

What Are The Traits Of A Great Writer?

What are the traits of a great writer? What fears or concerns do we go through when we write – and how can we overcome them? What are the benefits of writing? Transcript Hi, Dr. Stephie here. What are the traits of a great writer? I asked myself that question the other day, would I…
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How To Set Goals With Your Four Cornerstones Of Success 

How To Enjoy Tasks You Normally Dread

I think it’s fair to say that all of us enjoy some tasks way less than others. How can you enjoy tasks you normally dread or even increase your joy or at least make yourself okay with things you need to do but normally dread? Transcript Hi, Dr. Stephie here. I think it’s fair to…
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How To Get More Value Out Of Seminars And Anything You Learn

How To Get More Value Out Of Seminars And Anything You Learn

How can you get more value out of seminars or anything you learned by reading a book or even having a conversation? Transcript Greetings, Dr. Stephie here. How can you get the most out of attending a seminar or anything that you learned by reading a book or even having a conversation? I think the…
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The Huge Gift Of The Four Corner Stones Of Success

The Huge Gift Of The Four Cornerstones Of Success

I always keep thinking about things. It hit me that there are four cornerstones of success. These four cornerstones are the things I think we get out of out of being in business or pursuing a mission outside of business. Transcript Dr. Stephie here. You know me by now. I always keep thinking about things.…
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Speak your vision

Speak Your New Vision, Shape It, Bring It To Life

Do you have ideas brewing in your head you’re working on shaping and bringing the life? Here’s a nugget on how to speak your new vision, shape it and bring it to life much faster than most people do. Transcript Do you have a new vision? Are some ideas brewing in your head you’re working on…
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What’s Better: Bursts Of Progress Or Constant, Small Progress?

Our lives have many aspects including progress . They are things we want to do, have and be. Some of these desires sometimes conflict with each other – or at least seem to do so. For example, I want to be a great mother and wife. Yet, I also want to trek in the Himalayas…
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self-discipline and success

One Happy Couple: Success And Self-Discipline

I got to thinking about this: It takes an amazing amount of practice to develop an ever-higher level of self-discipline. Yet, your success comes hand-in-hand with self-discipline.  I realized: Success and self-discipline are one happy couple. Transcript Greetings, Dr. Stephie here. There is one happy couple I want to tell you about: Success and self-discipline.  I…
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How To Reliably Live Up to Promises You Make

Aristoteles said, “A promise made must be a promise kept.” I’m sure we all agree with that. However, what do we see as a promise and how to live up to promises? How often do we say “Yes” to something, and we don’t live up to it – or, at least not by the time…
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read in the blink of an eye

Read Books in the Blink of An Eye

Wouldn’t it be great if we could read books in the blink of an eye? How much more information could we absorb and put to use? Or, at least, how much more information could we sort through to decide whether it is worth a deeper look? One can – almost. It is not quite as…
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