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How To Sequence The Growth Of Your Company

How To Sequence The Growth Of Your Company

How to sequence the growth of your company? How many stages has your company gone through so far? In this nugget, I am talking about various stages from startup to maturing and specializing – all the way to the point of scaling up and preparing for a transfer of the business to new leaders one…
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What would John do

What Would John Do?

It is a great idea to ask your clients how they would describe what you do. Here is what John said. It made me feel really good and gave me clues on how to express what I do to others. You can do the same. I’m Curious Transcript John: What would happen in your business today…
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True Wealth

For True Wealth, You Must Own Your Time

Today, I spent some time reading “The Millionaire Fastlane” by MJ DeMarco. It is a great book. Wealth is about more than money, as I always say, too. I describe it as impact, money, and fun. Here is a distinction I want to lay close to your heart: For true wealth, you must own your…
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Unlock Lurking Potential

How To Unlock Lurking Potential By Writing 365 Brilliance Nuggets

Today is day #364 of my writing daily Brilliance Nuggets for one year. In this video, I share what I have gotten out of it and how to unlock lurking potential. Please watch. My big thanks to you are the biggest part of it – I could not have done this without you! I want…
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Teach with visuals

Transform The Teaching Of Your Brilliance With Powerful Visuals

Do you think visuals help you and others learn more easily and engage and retain more? If you said “Yes,” I agree with you! Learn how to transform the teaching of your Brilliance with powerful visuals In this nugget, I talk about a book called “Rapid Viz” by Kurt Hanks and Larry Belliston, and I…
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Treasure Tuesday

Launching Treasure Tuesday: 5 Quick Nuggets You Don’t Want To Miss

Greetings! After completing my writing 365 daily Brilliance Nuggets over the past year, it is now my pleasure the launching Treasure Tuesday. Here is an interactive video (made with Prezi – I’m excited about the opportunities this tool offers!) This week’s Treasure Tuesday In A Autshell The Boldest idea I Implemented This Week Use Prezi…
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Why You Love Or Hate Online Learning

Why You Love Or Hate Online Learning

Do you love or hate online learning? Why? In this nugget, I’m exploring the pros and cons of self-paced online learning, and I’m comparing it to “online learning VIP style.” The toastmaster who gave the speech I mention in this nugget is Swaran Singh. I’m Curious What is your experience with unfacilitated or facilitated online…
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A Simple Hack To Make Presentations More Engaging

A Simple Hack To Make Presentations More Engaging

Have you ever faced this dilemma on how to make presentations more engaging? Recently, I gave a 20-minute presentation via video conference (Zoom). I had given a similar presentation at an in-person event and had used a few slides as illustrations along the way. However, I purposely avoided making the presentation slide-heavy. The slides were…
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Emergency Brilliance Extraction

Help! An Important Employee Is Leaving – Emergency Brilliance Extraction

Hopefully, you have not experienced this scenario, but chances are you have. You’re sitting in your office, then an employee knocks on the door and says, “May I come in?” They come in and say, “I’m sorry to say this, I have loved working here, but I’m giving notice. “What to do? Transcript Imagine the…
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Embrace the suck and look for the good

“Embrace The Suck” And Pay Attention To The Good

Yesterday, my Toastmasters friend Karen Phelps reminded me of something very important: “Embracing the suck” and paying attention to what is good is a great combination. Here is what I mean by that. Transcript Greetings, Dr. Stephie here. ”Embrace the suck” and pay attention to the good. That is what I was reminded of yesterday…
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how to recognize the brilliance hidden in your brain

How To Recognize The Brilliance Hidden Inside Your Brain

When I speak in front of groups or have a one-on-one conversation, I often ask, “Do you consider yourself brilliant?” It’s probably not surprising that most often, people do not recognize the Brilliance in them are humble, and they say, “No, I don’t consider myself brilliant,” because they think of people like Elon Musk, Stephen…
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The Importance Of Relaxing Time With Wonderful Friends

The Importance Of Relaxing Time With Wonderful Friends

This nugget is short and sweet. It is about how vital it is to have some relaxing time with wonderful friends: Make time to relax with great friends! You deserve it, and your soul needs it! Greetings, this nugget is quite simple but so important. It’s about the importance of giving yourself the time to…
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Would you like to see a real-life company training portal that is the result of Brilliance Mining™? I am showing you this to inspire you!

How To Create Your Custom Training Portal: A Case Study

Would you like to see a real-life company custom training portal resulting from Brilliance Mining™? I am showing you this to inspire you! It all started with explaining a sophisticated software product to potential customers to help them understand how it becomes a game changer for them and why they should buy it. The course…
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Document Your Experience In A FastChanging World

Document Your Experience In A Fast-Changing World?

Does It make sense to document your experience when the world is changing so fast? You know, my answer is a resounding “Yes!” But there is a twist to it. Does It Make Sense To Document Your Experience When The World Is Changing So Fast?  I came across an interesting article by Gary C. Laney entitled…
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delegating is the hardest when you need it most

Delegating Is The Hardest When You Need It Most

Delegating is the hardest when you need it most. We tend to “muscle” through busy times. By that, I mean we continue to do tasks that we have not become comfortable with delegating. Can you relate? That practice is no longer possible when the work exceeds your bandwidth – despite working late and on weekends. Delegating has…
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Fresh On-The-Mind Thoughts About Observing Your MAGIC and Perfectionism

This is a late-night nugget with fresh thoughts about observing your “magic.” Is observing your “magic” neat or messy? I was publishing a major course today and recording my every step along the way. See what happened. I’m Curious What are you committed to? Perfection or progress? Transcript Hello, Dr. Stephie here; this is a…
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About A Geeky T-shirt, Costco Encounters, And A New Multimedia

About A Geeky T-shirt, Costco Encounters, And A New Multimedia Book

Here is a quick story for you about a geeky T-shirt, Costco encounters, and a new multimedia book- and a really cool announcement! Thank you, Irene Donnell and Tahnee McHenry, for making that happen! What an amazing surprise and (early) birthday gift! I’m Curious Do you have a “geeky” T-shirt? If so, send me a…
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How To Embrace The Massive Changes In The World Of Expertise

How To Embrace The Massive Changes In The World Of Expertise

I got a bit fired up in this one … but I’m fine with that. Please take a look. We must change our view of how to treat our expertise and wisdom – or we will end up like the guy who insisted that cars would never replace carriages. I’m Curious Transcript Greetings, Dr. Stephie…
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the stillness is you

“The Stillness is You” – A Wisdom Film By Deepak Chopra

“You, my friend, are not your thoughts. You are the thinker of the thoughts. The thoughts come from you. So, where are you? You are in the stillness, the silence between your thoughts. That stillness, that silence, is you. And that you is the window to the infinite mind.” Deepak Chopra It strikes me that…
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The Counterintuitive Way Of Being An Expert

The Counterintuitive Way Of Being An Expert

A few days ago, I gave a TED talk-style speech at the “Morning Buzz” event of the Chamber of Commerce in Lewisville, TX! Thank you for the opportunity and to everyone who attended live at the Chamber and via Facebook Live. Here’s the recording of the talk (you can also see the complete recording, including…
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What Happened In Germany Does Not Stay In Germany

I want to share what happened in Germany plus a couple of thoughts about this picture with you. The photo shows our son, Dylan, my father-in-law, and myself six years ago in Germany. My husband took the picture. I remember this day so clearly. We had planned this trip for years. It had been a…
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how can you form a new habit more easily

How Can You Form A New Habit More Easily

There is much talk about the power of habits – the right ones, of course! How can you form a new habit more easily?  Transcript How can you form a new habit more easily? I have the good fortune to be part of an exciting team right now, putting together a program on how you…
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Does delegating terrify you

Does Delegating Terrify You?

Does delegating terrify you? That is a great question. It turns out that a lot of your business’ fate depends on your answer to this question. Transcript Does delegating terrify you? That is a great question. It turns out that a lot of your business’ fate depends on your answer to this question. If you say, “Yes,…
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room for creativity

Never Tell People How To Do Things – True or False?

How do we use well-defined and documented processes that lead to excellent and consistent results AND make room for creativity and ingenuity? Consider the quote by George S. Patton. “Never tell people how to do things, tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.” Is this advice true or false?…
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How To Get Your Wheel Of Life To Roll Smoothly

How To Get Your Wheel Of Life To Roll Smoothly

You probably have seen the “Wheel of Life” before. There are quite a few different aspects of your life listed. How well are they in balance with each other? What else is important to consider? Transcript What you see here on the screen is the “Wheel of Life.” You probably have seen this before, but…
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Beware Make Sure To Climb YOUR Mountain Top

Beware: Make Sure To Climb YOUR Mountain Top

As we pursue different goals, sometimes it’s good to stop and reexamine them. It has to be YOUR mountain top you’re climbing. Climbing mountain top it’s not necessarily easy. Make sure to pick the right one. Transcript As we pursue different goals, sometimes it’s good to stop and think about in more depth. It has…
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The Counterintuitive Way To Be More Successful

A Counterintuitive Way To Being More Successful

Often we set the bar high for ourselves. As high achievers, we set the bar high, way high a lot of times. Here is a counterintuitive way to become more successful. Transcript Would you like to know a counterintuitive way to be more successful? Often we set the bar high for ourselves. I suspect you…
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How To Finally See How Brilliant You Really Are

How To Finally See How Brilliant You Really Are

“I’m not Elon Musk. I’m not a brilliant person.” I have been hearing that a lot over the time that I’ve been talking about Brilliance Mining and Brilliance Extraction to see how brilliant you really are. That is the start of the conversation – but that is not where it ends.  Transcript . How can…
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alpha poem

Can You Make Your Brilliance Visible With An Alpha Poem?

Sure, you can! Why not? Making your brilliance visible involves some way of getting it out of your brain onto paper (or its electronic version). Let’s have fun! First things first. What is an alpha poem? How does it work? Give yourself a word and theme. “Challenge your mind to answer a question or find…
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Brilliance Mining™

Dr. Stephie on Facebook Live

For today’s nugget, I want to share with you the video of the Facebook live event I did this past Tuesday. It is all about answering the question, “What is Brilliance Mining?” I also gave a brief introduction of myself. Here are some of the questions that people asked and I answered: I’m Curious If…
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How To Remember Things You Don't Know You Know

How To Remember Things You Don’t Know You Know

Remembering things you don’t know you know sounds impossible, doesn’t it? How can you access your subconscious knowledge and make it visible? Transcript How can you remember things you don’t know you know? What? That sounds impossible. If you don’t know that you know something, how could you remember it?  That’s a great question. We…
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Shoot, I Can't Sell My Business! Now What

Shoot, I Can’t Sell My Business! Now What?

Have you run into anyone lately who can’t sell or pass on their business? Do you wonder “why I can’t sell my business”? Often, that is painful because most business owners have 75% of their wealth wrapped up in their business – not to mention the huge emotional investment he or she has made over…
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What Are The Traits Of A Great Writer

What Are The Traits Of A Great Writer?

What are the traits of a great writer? What fears or concerns do we go through when we write – and how can we overcome them? What are the benefits of writing? Transcript Hi, Dr. Stephie here. What are the traits of a great writer? I asked myself that question the other day, would I…
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unplug from work

How To Unplug Completely For Two Weeks Without Repercussions

How to unplug and go on a vacation for two or three weeks without repercussions? The answer to this question indicates how dependent your business or organization is on you. Transcript Can you go on vacation for two or three weeks without repercussions? Great question. If you’re in Europe and watching this, you might respond…
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Dr. Stephie's story

The Breakthrough In My Journey: Why I Do What I Do

Which success formula did you grow up with? Here’s the breakthrough in my journey and why I do what I do. My parents taught me that hard work, success in school, good grades, and a good degree are the key to success. There’s much truth to that. I really appreciate having that as a foundation for…
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keep your mission going

How To Get Rejuvenating Rest Without Stopping Your Mission

So how to not stop your mission and get rejuvenating rest? Can you relate to this situation? You started a project or mission and got it going. Then, suddenly, you need a break for one reason or another. You stop what you’re doing with that mission. Sometime later, you return to it and get it…
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How To Take The Whole-person Approach To Life And Business

How To Take The Whole-Person Approach To Life And Business

How can you do an even better job at taking a WHOLE-PERSON approach to both life and business? Meet Purpose Mapping as a fast and effective method. Transcript Greetings, Dr. Stephie here. In this nugget, I want to talk to you about taking a whole-person approach to both life and business. A whole-person approach makes…
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How To Set Goals With Your Four Cornerstones Of Success 

How To Enjoy Tasks You Normally Dread

I think it’s fair to say that all of us enjoy some tasks way less than others. How can you enjoy tasks you normally dread or even increase your joy or at least make yourself okay with things you need to do but normally dread? Transcript Hi, Dr. Stephie here. I think it’s fair to…
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Why Brilliance Mining Is Important For Self-care

Why Brilliance Mining Is Important For Self-care

It occurred to me that Brilliance Mining is also quite important for self-care. There’s a strong connection. Transcript Greetings, Dr. Stephie here. It occurred to me that Brilliance Mining is also quite important for self-care. There’s a strong connection. As you know, self-care is one of the four ”Cornerstones of Success” I’ve outlined recently. As I was thinking about that more,…
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How To Set Goals With Your Four Cornerstones Of Success 

How To Set Goals With Your Four Cornerstones Of Success 

When we set goals, we often tend to set an overwhelming number of goals. It occurred to me that the four ”Cornerstones of Success” I recently spoke about can be a great guide for goal setting. It focuses the mind on making sure each of the cornerstones is covered and it can reduce goal-setting overwhelm.…
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How To Get More Value Out Of Seminars And Anything You Learn

How To Get More Value Out Of Seminars And Anything You Learn

How can you get more value out of seminars or anything you learned by reading a book or even having a conversation? Transcript Greetings, Dr. Stephie here. How can you get the most out of attending a seminar or anything that you learned by reading a book or even having a conversation? I think the…
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The Huge Gift Of The Four Corner Stones Of Success

The Huge Gift Of The Four Cornerstones Of Success

I always keep thinking about things. It hit me that there are four cornerstones of success. These four cornerstones are the things I think we get out of out of being in business or pursuing a mission outside of business. Transcript Dr. Stephie here. You know me by now. I always keep thinking about things.…
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Speak your vision

Speak Your New Vision, Shape It, Bring It To Life

Do you have ideas brewing in your head you’re working on shaping and bringing the life? Here’s a nugget on how to speak your new vision, shape it and bring it to life much faster than most people do. Transcript Do you have a new vision? Are some ideas brewing in your head you’re working on…
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keep more of your brilliance

How To Keep More Of Your Brilliance With One Simple Hack

Would you like to keep more of your brilliance, meaning more of your expertise, your experience, and even your wisdom? Here’s a simple hack. Transcript Would you like to keep more of your brilliance, meaning more of your expertise, your experience, and even your wisdom? Here’s a simple hack. Whenever you do training or have…
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price for going on vacation

What Is The Price You Pay For Going On Vacation?

Great question! What is your answer? Your answer is a great indicator of how hard it will be for others to continue your work when you are no longer involved – unless you prepare for that. Transcript Greetings. Dr. Stephie here. I want to ask you a provocative question: What is the price you pay…
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Does Your Team See You As Oppressive Or Helpful When You Talk About Implementing Much-Needed Conventions?

Does Your Team See You As Oppressive Or Helpful When You Talk About Implementing Much-Needed Conventions?

How can you get your team on board with the idea that everyone in the company must adhere to the same conventions? These conventions ensure that the product is consistent, scalable, and maintainable – but how can you get your team to see it that way? Transcript Let’s assume you are a technical expert who…
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“Your Own Exploration Is Better Than ‘seen On TV’”

Your Own Exploration Is Better Than “Seen On TV”

Your own exploration is so much better than what you see on TV. Transcript Your own exploration is so much better than what you see on TV. I mean, it’s great that we can see all these amazing things on TV and expand our horizons in ways that people could have never dreamt of before…
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10 Things Every Top-Notch CEO/Owner Must Know

10 Things Every Top-Notch CEO/Owner Must Know

It occurred to me that there are at least 10 things every top-notch CEO or business owner must know and do. Transcript Greetings. It occurred to me that there are at least 10 things every top-notch CEO or business owner must know and do. Let’s go through them real quick.  I often wonder if so…
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Youtube for Brilliance Mining - Youtube To Share Your Brilliance

Do You Need Youtube To Share Your Brilliance?

Do you need YouTube to share your brilliance? It turns out, YouTube can be an excellent vehicle for Brilliance Mining™! Transcript Hi, Dr. Stephie here. Today’s nugget is about this question: Do you need YouTube to share your brilliance?  Of course, there are many ways to share your brilliance, but YouTube is pretty good. Now imagine…
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What is Brilliance Extraction In SIMPLE Terms

What is Brilliance Extraction In SIMPLE Terms?

Often a picture says more than a thousand words. Or, in this case, the picture my friend Irene Donnell from P5 Marketing made, includes 21 powerful words and explained Brilliance Extraction in SIMPLE terms. Thank you, Irene! You captured it perfectly. I’m Curious To what extent, are you aware that you possess unconscious competence? Unconscious…
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hidden traps

The Hidden Traps In Teaching Your Expert Process

What are two hidden traps in teaching? Common traps you can fall into when you are working to teach a process you are very familiar with to someone else. Transcript In this video, I want to talk to you about the hidden traps you can fall into when you teach a process that you know…
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How To Create Your Brilliance Stool: Impact, Money, And Fun

How To Create Your Brilliance Stool: Impact, Money, And Fun

Over the years, I have often spoken about the three-legged wealth stool. If you cut off any of those legs, you have a very wobbly stool. In this nugget, I am renaming the stool. I realized it is a “Brilliance Stool.” Transcript For years and years, I have spoken about the three-legged wealth stool. The wealth stool,…
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Create Exciting Adventures In Your Life And Fuel Your Soul

Create Exciting Adventures In Your Life And Fuel Your Soul

It’s crucial to incorporate exciting adventures into your life and fuel your soul, regardless of age. Going trekking in Nepal is one of the adventures I’m working on creating right now. Transcript I think it’s important that we don’t just work and “do chores,” but it’s crucial to incorporate adventures into your life and fuel…
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systems unlock your freedom

Do Systems Limit Or Unlock Your Freedom?

Do you believe that systems limit or unlock your freedom? Transcript Do you believe that systems limit or unlock your freedom? Great question.  At first glance, you might say the system tells me what to do. Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4, … I have this track laid out before me that I need to…
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Memorial Day

Honoring Memorial Day!

On Memorial Day, we honor the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Did You Know? Each year on Memorial Day a national moment of remembrance takes place at 3:00 p.m. local time. Please join us in today’s moment of remembrance. The sacrifice that these men and women, their families, and…
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How To Successfully Instruct Graphic Artists On What You Want

How To Successfully Instruct Graphic Artists On What You Want

It’s my pleasure to introduce you to the first “Guest Brilliance Nuggeteer.” Robert Donnell from P5 Marketing had a quick conversation about how to successfully delegate tasks or instruct graphic artists – and get what you want and need. When we delegate we often expect that the other person will do things the same way…
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Is Improv Helpful, Silly, Or Just Hilarious?

I have to confess, I love improv (improvisation)! For one thing, it can be funny! Additionally, here is a question for you: Is improv helpful, silly or just hilarious? Transcript Hi, Dr. Stephie here. I have a confession to make. I love improv. It’s funny, but let me ask you a question. Is improv silly,…
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self-discipline and success

One Happy Couple: Success And Self-Discipline

I got to thinking about this: It takes an amazing amount of practice to develop an ever-higher level of self-discipline. Yet, your success comes hand-in-hand with self-discipline.  I realized: Success and self-discipline are one happy couple. Transcript Greetings, Dr. Stephie here. There is one happy couple I want to tell you about: Success and self-discipline.  I…
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Visualize To See What Is Missing To Complete The Picture

Visualize To See What Is Missing To Complete The Picture

Whether you visualize on what you are working like completing a puzzle or presenting an overview of a bunch of information at a glance, there is an art and a science to doing that. Seeing it at a glance on one page, in one graphic, makes it far easier to grasp – and you will…
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From Brain To Blog: A Powerful Process One Nugget At A Time

From Brain To Blog: A Powerful Process One Nugget At A Time

In this video, I want to share with you how I create the daily Brilliance Nuggets. What is the process for creating, editing, and publishing daily Brilliance Nuggets from brain to blog? What can you take away from that for your work? Transcript In this video, I want to share with you how I create…
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Regain Your Freedom And Make The Highest Use Of Your Time

Regain Your Freedom And Make The Highest Use Of Your Time

Would you like to regain your freedom and put your time to the highest use possible? I’m pushing myself right now to delegate as much as possible. It’s a bit of a journey. Transcript Greetings, Dr. Stephie here. Would you like to regain more of your freedom and put your time to the highest use possible? I…
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Winners Choose Their 'Misery' And Do The Thing That Makes Them Successful

Winners Choose Their “Misery” – Losers Let It Come To Them

I had the good fortune to attend an excellent training in sales according to the Sandler methodology. My dear friend Tiffany Koettel was the trainer. She shared with us a piece of wisdom that resonated with me. Here it is. Transcript Greetings, Dr. Stephie here. I would like to relate to you something I heard…
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Capture Your Ideas Right When You Think Of Them

Capture Your Ideas Right When You Think Of Them

Capturing your ideas right when they occur to you is life-changing! Here is why. Transcript Greetings, Dr. Stephie here. Today, my nugget is this: Capture your ideas right when they occur to you. Right when you think of them, capture them. That means write them down somewhere. I love to use Notion. I can use the Notion app on…
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attract people to your idea

How To Compel Others To Your Pioneering Idea

This nugget is about this question: How to compel others to your pioneering idea and help them implement the vision; help the idea gain traction? Transcript This nugget is about this question: How can you compel other people to your pioneering idea and help them implement the vision; help the idea gain traction? I’ve been…
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two-sided coin

The Two Sides of the “Let’s Become Indispensable” Coin

A talk I heard this past weekend entitled “Tying it all together to become indispensable” triggered some thoughts. First off, the speaker outlined a beautiful process for learning something relevant quickly and deeply – and then APPLYING it immediately. Furthermore, I think there are two sides to the “Let’s Become Indispensable” coin. Transcript This past…
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find your metaphor

An Important A-Ha: My Innovation Is Like … (Insert Your Metaphor)

If you are doing something new, it is essential that you come up with some sort of metaphor. You need to relate it to something with which people are familiar. Transcript This is a very quick but powerful nugget. If you are doing something different from things already in existence, it is essential that you…
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How To Keep The Most Helpful Nuggets From A Conference

How To Keep The Most Helpful Nuggets From A Conference

How often have you returned with some helpful nuggets from a conference, excited by what you have learned and the people you have met? You have the best intentions to summarize what you have learned and follow up with the people you met on the conversations you had. But then reality hits you. You have…
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Make Sure You Continue To Love Your Business

Make Sure You Continue To Love Your Business

How can you make sure that you continue to love your business or company as it continues to grow? Transcript How can you make sure that you continue to love your company as it grows? From my experience working with many business owners and entrepreneurs over the years, I can tell you that that is…
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Create A Big Win-Win By Educating Your Clients

Do you find yourself repeating certain pieces of information over and over as you’re educating your clients on why you are the solution to their pain? Your prospective clients and customers likely can learn a lot from you. Here is an idea for creating a big win-win for your future clients and yourself. Transcript Do…
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Avoid This Big Pitfall When Designing Your Brilliance System

Avoid This Big Pitfall When Designing Your Brilliance System

Greetings. In this nugget, I want to talk about how to avoid this big pitfall that I see people falling into when creating what I call a Brilliance System. Transcript Greetings. In this nugget, I want to talk about the biggest pitfall that I see people falling into when creating what I call a Brilliance System. In…
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Energize – And Ask For Help A Little More Often

This morning I’m thinking about how we can energize our lives and businesses. It appears to be related to simplifying and sometimes having the courage to ask for help. Your pile of work may get too high, and it may start to weigh down on you. Maybe you have put just too many things on…
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overcome your fear of delegatingb

It Is A Brilliant Life – Overcome Your Fear And Delegate!

Today’s topic is, “it’s a brilliant life – overcome your fear and delegate.” Delegate to liberate. What do I mean by that?  It’s When you can delegate things so that they’re as well done as you would, you regain your freedom – without losing success and impact. That means you have to have the guts…
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3 Simple Tips To Stop Struggling With Your Stories

3 Simple Tips To Stop Struggling With Your Stories

Here is a confession for you: I used to be horrible at telling stories. Here are three tips I have learned to stop struggling with your stories – that make story-telling much more fun – and successful! Transcript Greetings, Dr. Stephie here. I’d like to make a confession, and that is, I used to be…
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Distill your content with AI

How To Save Yourself Tons Of Time And Make The Most Of Video Transcripts

Where ever I go, I recommend, “Record ALL your training!” In this nugget, I am showing you how you can save yourself tons of time and make the most of you video transcripts from these recordings (this works for audio recordings, too). Summary of Transcript Greetings. In this video, I want to give you a…
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Leverage your brilliance T-shirt

Leverage Your Brilliance

Today, I’m excited to tell you: We designed the first Brilliance Mining T-shirt (except for two custom ones). Yes, leverage your Brilliance through t-shirts. What do you think?
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How To Do It Right The First Time Engineering Standards And Procedures

How To Do It Right The First Time: Engineering Standards And Procedures

Often, I am asked to show real-life examples of what is happening when we do Brilliance Mining. Even the processes, engineering standards and procedures we undertook to release it. In this example, I am working with a company in the software space. It is critical to build new software such that it can be maintained…
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How To Simplify An Expert’s Knowledge So Others Can Understand It

Recently, I began working with a medical doctor. He has written quite a few articles. He thinks it should be easy to read all 60 – 70 articles, know what it means, and summarize them. In this nugget, I’m sharing with you a few insights I’ve gained about “how to simplify an expert’s knowledge so…
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onboarding system

All Our Jaws Dropped – And She Said “I’m So Happy!”

As you might know, five people graduated from the Brilliance Mining Cohort we began in February. As I mentioned, I’m so proud of them. Everyone achieved tangible results. Everyone shared what it had been like for them. Here’s what Tahnee McHenry had to say. She is the founder of Social Circle Digital Marketing. She created a stunning…
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Reflecting On Make Your Comeback Stronger Than Your Setback

Reflecting On “Make Your Comeback Stronger Than Your Setback”

If you’re a human being (I know you are!), you – like me – have experienced setbacks. In this nugget, I’m reflecting on the advice “Make your comeback stronger than your setback.” Here is the link to the TEDx Perth talk I am referring to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk1v11Iq0K4 Transcript Greetings. If you’re a human being – and I…
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Strive To Be A Great Speaker - And Be Yourself!

Strive To Be A Great Speaker – And Be Yourself!

My nugget today is about speaking and striving to be a great speaker. In my experience, speaking can be quite rewarding. As you strive to improve your speaking, I want to remind you: BE YOURSELF, please, because you are wonderful as you are. See what I mean in the video (or transcript) below. Transcript Greetings, Dr. Stephie here.…
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How To Become A Master At Anything You Want

How To Become A Master At Anything You Want

Greetings. Dr. Stephie here. I was thinking about how can you become a master at anything you want? I think the answer is pretty simple (but not as easy to do – but you can do it!).     Transcript Greetings. Dr. Stephie here. I was thinking about how can you become a master at anything you want? I think…
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Articles to Training program

How to Convert Your Expert Articles Into A Training Program

Have you converted your expert articles into a training program? Imagine you have written a pile of articles on a particular subject. You decide to create a training program from it. Imagine furthermore that you are a subject expert who has lived and breathed this topic for years. You might be a software guru, a…
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graduation story

Getting My Brilliance Out Of My Brain Is Freeing

It is wonderful to feel after getting my Brilliance out of my brain. Recently, five people graduated from the Brilliance Mining Cohort we began in February. As I mentioned, I’m so proud of them. Everyone achieved tangible results. Everyone shared what it had been like for them. Here’s what Jacquelyn Martin had to say. She…
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graduation results

How To Create More Money And Impact With Your Brilliance (Graduation)

Have you ever asked yourself, “How can I create more money and more impact with the brilliance that’s in my brain?” Today is a really proud day for me because all five of my entrepreneurs in my second Brilliance Mining Cohort graduated today. I’m so proud and in awe of what they have created in…
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Extract your brilliance

How To Extract Your Brilliance Simply And Quickly

Great question! We talked about exactly that in today’s Brilliance Mining Cohort. Having someone who helps connect the dots from a fresh perspective is quite helpful, of course – but my point is that you can extract your brilliance with this simple method. The answer may be more straightforward (and faster) than you think. Here…
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Note-taking Is More Than Note-taking – It Is Thinking!

What is the value of taking notes? Is it just to remember the things you are writing down? I think not! Transcript Greetings. Here is one quick nugget about note-taking. Yes, note-taking. Is note-taking just note-taking or is it actually thinking? I’d like to suggest that it is more than just taking notes. Instead, it’s…
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How To Leverage Your Valuable Brilliance With The Brilliance Mining Cohort

How To Leverage Your Valuable Brilliance With The Brilliance Mining Cohort

How can you leverage your valuable brilliance (your experience, expertise, and wisdom) as quickly and inexpensively as possible? For a long time, I have worked with clients only one-on-one. Now there is the Brilliance Mining Cohort. I’ve challenged myself to describe in a short video what this is all about and what you can get…
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What Is The Best Timing To Begin Brilliance Mining?

What Is The Best Timing To Begin Brilliance Mining?

In this nugget, let’s explore this question: What is the best timing to begin Brilliance Mining? Transcript Hello, Dr. Stephie here. Today’s question is: What is the best timing for beginning to do Brilliance Mining? This means when is it time to begin figuring out what really is in my brain? Knowledge and wisdom that…
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How Helpful Is Brilliance Mining In Research & Development

How Helpful Is Brilliance Mining In Research and Development?

Perhaps you are working in a business that does a lot of Research and Development (R&D). You might say, Brilliance Mining™ sounds fabulous, but how helpful is Brilliance Mining in Research and Development and to us? Let’s take a look at that question. Transcript Let me ask you a question. Perhaps you are working in…
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innate ability

How To Teach Areas Of Great Innate Ability

You might have heard me talk about the four stages of growth. However, there are areas of innate ability where we do not go through those four growth stages. How easy is it for a person with an innate ability to teach those skills?   Transcript Greetings. Recently, you might have heard me talk about the four…
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The Four Stages Of Growth And The Trap They Create

This nugget is short, yet very powerful. I talk about the four stages of growth and the trap they create.  Transcript Now, this nugget is really fun. They all are, but this one talks about the four stages of growth and the trap they create.  Now, one of the cool things about teaching (in this case, about…
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option 1 or 2

Which Type Of Expert Do You Want To Be?

I have a question for you. What kind of expert would you rather be?  Transcript I have a question for you. What kind of expert would you rather be?  Option One You can be the kind of expert who’s so knowledgeable and has so much in his brain that other people don’t, that you are the only…
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narrating video

How Scary Is Narrating Your Brilliance On Video?

If you like a lot of people you may not like to see or hear yourself on video. Yet, you have important expertise to teach and pass on. How can you overcome your concerns about narrating your Brilliance on video? Transcript Hi, I’m Dr. Stephie. Let’s look at how scary is it to narrate your…
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Talk about my Brilliance Nugget Journey

It’s All Robert’s “Fault”

Today, I had the pleasure to give a 3-minute talk about how the Brilliance Nugget journey came into being – it is all Robert’s “fault” – and what lessons I have learned from it (so far). Transcript At Toastmasters Southlake, 4/4/2022, recorded by Jason Gass (thank you!): Good morning. It was a fine day early…
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clone your thoughts and skills

How To Clone Your Thoughts And Skills – What Is A Brilliance Mining Cohort? 

Have you ever thought on how to clone your thoughts and skills? What about how great it would be if someone could read your mind – just when you want them to, of course – to do the things in your company as well as you would …. so that delegation would be so simple,…
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The Chasm Between Science And Business. Do Scientists Embrace Coaching

The Chasm Between Science And Business. Do Scientists Embrace Coaching? 

I want to share something personal with you in this nugget. This nugget stems from my experience as a scientist who cares about commercializing what we invented and developed. That is where I learned about the chasm. I have spent many years since then figuring out better ways to cross that chasm. Along the way,…
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Why Would a Ph.D. Chemist Become A Brilliance Miner?

Why Would a Ph.D. Chemist Become A Brilliance Miner?

Why would I, as a recovering Ph.D. Chemist, embark to become a Brilliance Miner? Here is a quick video of what I’m talking about (see the transcript below): Transcript Greetings. Why would I, as a recovering Ph.D. Chemist, embark on becoming a Brilliance Miner? That is a question I get a lot. Now, Brilliance Mining is the…
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celebrating 200 nuggets

Exciting Progress: 200 Brilliance Nuggets In The “Bank”

Today, I’m celebrating with you! 200 Brilliance Nuggets so far – that feels like a nice milestone. In this video, I talk about what it has been like, what I’ve learned, who I’ve become – and most importantly, what this means for you. YOU can do this, too – and here’s how. (By the way,…
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Exploit The Hidden Treasures From Creating Your Brilliance Nuggets

Exploit Your Hidden Treasures From Creating Your Brilliance Nuggets

Greetings, in this video, I want to talk with you about how to exploit your hidden treasures from creating your Brilliance and what a Brilliance Nugget is and why you might want to produce one on a regular basis. Here is a quick video (see the transcript below): Transcript Greetings, in this video, I want…
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